More Able Programme

The More Able Programme aims to nurture individuals who have demonstrated exceptional aptitude in one or more subjects. These students are not only academically gifted but also show a keen interest and enthusiasm across various disciplines, indicating strong potential for further development. Selection for the More Able Programme is based on academic reviews of assessments and exam results, along with recommendations from teachers.  

Students in the More Able Programme are encouraged to engage in 'super-curricular' activities across diverse subjects. Unlike 'extra-curricular' activities, 'super-curricular' activities involve deeper exploration and study related to a specific academic field. This may include additional podcasts, lectures, or broader academic reading. General advice and subject-specific suggestions for pursuing 'super-curricular' interests are provided below. 

More Able Programme students are expected to cultivate independent learning skills by actively pursuing these 'super-curricular' recommendations. They should also anticipate being challenged in the classroom and provided with opportunities to further their learning through school-organized speakers, activities, and trips.