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The Campion School aims to be an outstanding Roman Catholic school with a strong and united community in which everyone can flourish.

However, we understand that choosing the right school for your son is a very important decision with many aspects to consider. If you have any questions, please contact us via email (admissions@thecampionschool.org.uk).


In order to apply to the school, two forms must be completed.

Firstly, you must apply to your Local Education Authority (LEA), depending on your home address, and this is the only way you can apply for a secondary school place for your son. On your application you should give The Campion School as one of your choices.

Secondly, you must complete the online Supplementary Information Form (SIF) before the applications closing date. Applications received after this time will be treated as a late application. This means the application will be dealt with after all on time applications have been processed, unless you can provide evidence, to show that the application could not reasonably have been made on time.

Please remember that completing only one of the two forms mentioned above does not constitute an application. You will also be asked to upload a copy of the of the original Certificate of Catholic Practice from your Parish Priest, a copy of the original of your son’s Baptismal Certificate and a current utility bill (gas/electric or land line telephone).

Open Evening Presentation 

Year 7 Prospectus

Supplementary Information Form (SIF)

Below is our admissions criteria for entry to The Campion School in September 2025.  

Admissions Criteria 2025-2026

If you have any questions about the details including boundaries please email admissions@thecampionschool.org.uk

Admissions Criteria 2024-2025

If you wish to discuss your application, please contact us via the email address admissions@thecampionschool.org.

Sixth Form Admissions