

The vision of our History Department is to develop young people with a real enthusiasm for the subject and a willingness to strive for excellence.

We want to provide our students with skills which not only allow them to access the subject successfully but which are easily transferable into life and the workplace. We also aim to guide them as young people with values and an understanding of the world we live in as well as their responsibilities to help build a world in line with those values.

Key Stage 3 History

At Key Stage 3 we teach the students an overview of the history of Britain from the Norman Conquest to the Second World War so they can understand how the country has developed as well as its role in the wider world. We focus on how the country has changed over that time and study issues such as the development of democracy, civil rights and the impact of war and conflict.  We also develop skills which will enable them to access the GCSE style questions and which they will also be able to apply in their everyday lives.

Year 7

Students in Year 7 focus on developing analytical skills and historical narrative, as well as skills for analysing interpretations of historical events. They undertake study in the following topics:

  • The Norman Conquest
  • How did Medieval monarchs meet the challenges they faced?
    • Establishing control after the Conquest
    • Cooperation and rivalry with the Church
    • Conflict between King John and the barons
    • Impact of the 100 Years War
    • Impact of the Black Death
    • The Peasants' Revolt
    • The Wars of the Roses and the reputation of Richard III 
    • Henry VIII and the break with Rome

Year 8

Building on their analytical skills developed in Year 7, students in Year 8 develop skills for analysing sources. Topics investigated in Year 8 include:

  • The causes and impact of the English Reformation
  • How did Elizabeth secure control of England?
  • The causes and impact of the English Civil War
  • The development of voting rights in the UK
  • Slavery to civil rights in the UK and the USA

Year 9

In Year 9, students further develop their essay writing skills, focusing on analytical, evaluative and historical narrative skills. They also continue to develop their skills in analysing interpretations and sources. Topics covered include:

  • World War One: A new type of war
    • What were the causes, conditions and impact of war?
    • How fairly were conscientious objectors and deserters treated?
    • How should we remember World War One?
  • World War Two: A global war
    • What were the causes?
    • What were the most significant turning points in the war?
    • What are war crimes?
    • Was the USA right to drop the atomic bomb on Japan?
  • The Holocaust
    • Did anti-semitism begin and end with the Nazis?
    • How did the Nazis introduce anti-semitic policies?
    • What were the conditions in the camps?
    • Resistance to the Nazis?
    • Why should we remember the Holocaust?
  • The Cold War
    • How did the Cold War begin?
    • How did the arms race intensify the Cold War?
    • How has the Vietnam War been interpreted?

GCSE History

Exam Board

Subject Leader


Mr L Faulkner

We study the Edexcel GCSE course at Key Stage 4. It covers a range of historical periods from the Early Modern period to the Cold War with a range of breadth and depth studies. We aim to build on students’ enthusiasm for the subject and there is a high take up rate at this level. Many go on to continue their study of the subject at A level. 

Students are assessed on their ability to write analytical, evaluative and historical narrative essays in three exams. They are also required to analyse and evaluate the value of contemporary sources and historians’ interpretations. Students will be required to memorise and apply a large amount of knowledge in pieces of extended writing.

Paper 1: Thematic Study and Historical Environment

Paper 1 studies Crime and Punishment in Britain, c.1000 – present and Whitechapel, c.1870 – c.1900: crime, policing and the inner city. The examination lasts for 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Paper 2: Period study and British depth study

Paper 2 studies superpower relations and the Cold Way, from 1941 to 1991, and early Elizabethan England from 1558 to 1588. The examination lasts for 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Paper 3: Modern Depth Study

Paper 3 studies Weimar and Nazi Germany, from 1918 to 1939. The examination lasts for 1 hour and 20 minutes.

A-Level Politics

Exam Board

Entry Requirements

Subject Leader


Grade 6 GCSE History OR Grade 6 GCSE English Language or Literature

Mr L Faulkner

With the world facing an unprecedented series of crises and challenges, the issues of government and politics are at the forefront of all of our lives. The Campion Politics department aims to inspire students to engage with current affairs and to develop an understanding of the structures and processes which determine so many of the key issues in the UK and beyond.

From Brexit to Trump, Corbyn to Clinton, the course allows students to analyse and debate how politics functions in the UK and the US and the role we have in determining decision making. As young people about to reach voting age, students will also learn about competing ideologies and the arguments behind the political parties which seek to govern.

Paper 1: UK Politics and Core Political Ideas

  • Democracy
  • Political Parties
  • Electoral Systems
  • Voting behaviour and the media
  • Core Ideologies: Conservatism, Liberalism, Socialism

Paper 2: UK Government and Non-Core Political Ideas

  • The Constitution
  • Parliament
  • The Prime Minister and the Executive
  • Relations between institutions – UK Supreme Court, the EU, Parliament and the Executive
  • Non-Core ideology: Feminism

Paper 3: Comparative Politics, USA

  • US Constitution and Federalism
  • Congress
  • President
  • Supreme Court and civil rights
  • Democracy and Participation
  • Comparative theories


Exams will focus on evaluative essays and analysis of political information. The US Politics paper will also include a comparative element focusing on the differences and similarities within the USA and the UK.

3 x 2 hours examinations

Progression into Higher Education/Vocational Destinations

Studying A Level Government and Politics will allow students to develop vital skills respected by both universities and employers. Students will develop the ability to think critically to form justified arguments and to communicate these both verbally and through written work.

The subject is well respected by universities and a number of students go on to study subjects like Politics, International Relations and Law. The skills and expertise gained by politics students means they often pursue careers in the civil service, law, charity work and journalism as well as within business and finance.

Further Information

We will use a variety of study techniques. Engaging with the news is essential in order to prepare for class discussion. You will need to read articles on a daily basis, either in paper form or on the internet as well as following Television news and political programming. You will be required to work independently to complete reading before lessons in order to ensure that you are prepared to discuss and debate issues in class.

Assessment will be in the form of essays and you will learn to weigh up evidence on both sides of an argument and present a reasoned conclusion.

A-Level History

Exam Board

Entry Requirements

Subject Leader


Grade 6 or above in GCSE History

Mr L Faulkner

The Campion History department aims to inspire and develop young historians with an interest in history and its impact on the modern world. We encourage and support students to think analytically about major events in British and world history and to think critically about attitudes towards our past.

Students will engage in a detailed study of various period of history which will allow them to develop as historians. Through study of contemporary and academic sources as well as in class debates and discussion students will develop the ability to work independently to form arguments about a variety of historical periods and events.

Unit Summaries

  • 1H Tsarist and Communist Russia, 1855–1964
  • 2B The Wars of the Roses 1450-1499
  • 3:  Irish Nationalism, 1823-1923 (Non-Examined Assessment)


Assessment will focus on the writing of analytical and evaluative essays and the analysis of historical evidence and interpretations of History. It will include examined options and an individual enquiry.

There are two examinations carrying 40% of the final mark and a Non-Examined Assessment which carries 20%)

2 x 2 hours and 30 minute papers

Progression into Higher Education/Vocational Destinations

The study of history allows students to develop a wide variety of skills which are valued at both degree level and by various industries. History is designated by the Russell Group universities as a facilitating subject and as such carries considerable weight when applying to study any course at their institutions.

Critical analysis of source materials, verbal and written communication and decision making skills are all skills which are cited by various employers as the benefits of studying history at A Level and beyond. As well as careers in education, research, law, journalism and politics, history students are often successful in careers in business and finance.

Further Information

Classes are taught by two members of staff, each of whom specialises in a particular unit.  You are led through a carefully planned programme of skills enabling you to make the transition from GCSE to A level.  You will then be expected to do set reading before lessons, so that you are able to come ready to discuss, as discussions form the basis of many lessons.  Source work is practised in lessons, and model essays planned, or marked ones reviewed.  Videos and DVDs are used and where possible visits to historically relevant sites.  There is also a library of books in the history office, and you will be encouraged to read widely

You will learn how to weigh up evidence and form a balanced judgement of your own.  You will also learn how to write a clear and precise argument.  You will develop techniques for answering source questions. You will need to be prepared to read widely and take notes and must also be prepared to take a full part in discussions.

Subject Documents Date  
History Curriculum Map Yr 7 11th Jan 2023 Download
History Curriculum Map Yr 8 11th Jan 2023 Download
History Curriculum Map Yr 9 11th Jan 2023 Download
History Curriculum Map Yr 10 11th Jan 2023 Download
History Curriculum Map Yr 11 11th Jan 2023 Download
History Curriculm Map Yr 12 11th Jan 2023 Download
History Curriculum Map Yr 13 11th Jan 2023 Download
Politics Curriculum Map Yr 12 11th Jan 2023 Download
Politics Curriculum Map Yr 13 11th Jan 2023 Download