

All pupils will learn to think and act as artists, craftspeople and designers, working creatively and intelligently.

The Art Department works to inspire and enthuse all students regardless of ability and encourages all to develop their creativity.

The Art Department at Campion School aims to offer the students a balanced and structured curriculum which will provide them with a visual language for communication and the opportunity to develop their creativity. The students work with a range of media and experience a variety of craft work and each year will build upon the knowledge and understanding of the previous.

Each Key Stage follows schemes of work that are designed to give students a broad experience of Art skills, as well as developing an understanding and appreciation of different types of Art. Students are encouraged to develop their skills in order to be able to work independently, reviewing and modifying their work. The Art curriculum also contributes to students' spiritual, moral, social and cultural education.

Key Stage 3

We aim to deliver an exciting curriculum in Key Stage 3 where pupil’s awareness of Art and Design is enhanced and broadened through learning new skills, techniques, working in a range of media and through looking at work from a range of cultures.  All pupils will learn to think and act as artists, craftspeople and designers, working creatively and intelligently.

Learning and undertaking activities in art and design contribute to achievement of the curriculum aims for all young people to become:

  • successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve
  • confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives
  • responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.

Year 7

  • Autumn Term: Bugs, Beasts and Blooms - Basic Elements
    Using a range of black and white media (pen, pencil, charcoal, chalks and paint) to investigate the Basic Elements of Line, Tone, Texture, Form and shape. A range of natural forms will be drawn including plants and shells. Drawing from 2D reference points as well as 3D objects
  • Autumn Term: Bugs, Beasts and Blooms - Colour
    Investigate colour using a wide variety of media and techniques. Reinforcement of colour theory– Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Colours, as well as Complimentary Colours and colour mixing. Focussing on colour mixing and brushstrokes. Use of a range of media – paint, oil pastels, colour pencils. Work from a range of artists who use colour in different ways
  • Spring Term: Bugs, Beasts and Blooms - Repeating Patterns and Lino Printing
    Introduction to repeat patterns and symmetrical patterns. Pupils will use a section of one of their drawings from the Autumn first half term and tracing paper to produce a repeat pattern. They will use two colours and black and white paint to improve their colour mixing and to fill in the pattern Introduction to the work of William Morris. There will be some written work produced on him and pupils are encouraged to express their ideas about his work.
  • Spring Term: Bugs, Beasts and Blooms - Repeating Patterns and Lino Printing Continued
    Introduction to Lino Printing skills and techniques. Pupils will produce a Lino Print tile and use the equipment and inks to produce their own 2/3 colour print.
  • Summer Term: Hunterwasser & Romare Beardon
    Investigate colour using a wide variety of media and techniques. Reinforcement of colour theory– Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Colours, as well as Complimentary Colours and colour mixing. Focussing on colour mixing and brushstrokes. An element of group work to be introduced.

Year 8

  • Autumn Term: Portraits
    This term you will be working on portraits. A reminder of facial proportions and work on how to draw facial features. You will be Investigating PROPORTION, COLOUR, EXPRESSION and STYLES OF ART. You will be working in different MEDIA and through the work you produce you will be reminded of COLOUR MIXING and BASIC ELEMENTS. Introduction to the artist Picasso and Basquiat. There will be some written work produced on artists and pupils are encouraged to express their ideas about their work.
  • Autumn Term: Portraits Continued
    A Portraits final piece will be produced in the style of Picasso. This will be in paint for the majority of students and for some who complete work will be a 3D model.
  • Spring Term: Continuous Line Drawing
  • A short Portrait based project, looking at drawing using different techniques, composition and use of mixed media

  • Spring Term: Introduction to Perspective
    Pupils will complete a page of 3D shapes using a vanishing point, their name in perspective, a simple one point perspective street scene. The introduction of 2 point perspective and drawing of a 2 point perspective street scene.
  • Summer Term: Illustrated Manuscript Letters
    Pupils are introduced to examples of Illustrated Manuscript Lettering. They will develop a design suitable as Illustrated Manuscript Lettering from their own drawing/research and planning. Each letter must contain a border, background, letter and objects beginning with that letter.
  • Summer Term: Illustrated Manuscript Letters Continued
    They will continue to develop a design suitable as Illustrated Manuscript Lettering from their own drawing/research and planning. Each letter must contain a border, background, letter and objects beginning with that letter. A Final Piece will be produced.

Year 9

  • Autumn Term: Pop Art
    Using a range of black and white media (pen, pencil, charcoal, chalks and paint) to investigate the Basic Elements of Line, Tone, Texture, Form and shape. A range of natural forms will be drawn including plants and shells.
  • Autumn Term: Pop Art Continued
    To investigate the work of Pop Art artists and produce an imaginative piece of work based on their findings. Pupils will produce a folder of work showing a growing understanding of Pop Art through investigation and practice and a final imaginative piece.
  • Spring Term: Optical Illusions
    To investigate the work of Pop Art artists and produce an imaginative piece of work based on their findings. Pupils will produce a folder of work showing a growing understanding of Pop Art through investigation and practice and a final imaginative piece.
  • Spring Term: Optical Illusions Continued
    To investigate a variety of Optical Illusions and the work of Artists and produce an imaginative piece of work based on their findings.
  • Summer term : Cubist Still life
    Pupils will explore a drawing from observation in a range of media. They will explore the Still life work of the Cubist Art movement
  • Summer term: Cubist Still Life
    Pupils will continue to explore drawing and a range of media. They will then explore composition and collage to produce a Cubist style final piece.

GCSE Fine Art

Exam Board

Subject Leader


Miss A Giesen

The GCSE course is designed for those pupils who wish to extend and develop their studies in Art and Design. We follow the AQA Fine Art course which allows candidates to produce practical and critical/contextual work in one or more areas including drawing and painting, mixed media, sculpture, printmaking and photography.

The course has two components - a portfolio of work and an externally set task (examination). The coursework component is a portfolio selected from work undertaken during course of study and must include more than one project. It accounts for 60% of the final mark. Areas of study include drawing and painting form direct observation, imaginative and expressive work.

The externally set task takes place at the end of the course. Students have three months in which to prepare and fill a sketchbook with their response to a chosen title and then have 10 hours under exam conditions to complete a final piece. This accounts for 40% of their final grade.


Both components are examined by the centre and assessed by an external moderator. We expect students to spend some of their study time in the art department in addition to their timetabled classes. Homework is essential. Much of the sketchbook work will be done at home. 

The 4 Assessment Objectives are equally weighted:

  • AO1: Develop ideas through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources.
  • AO2: Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques and processes.
  • AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses.
  • AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates understanding of visual language.

Skills and Commitment

Although this course allows for a wide range of abilities it is essential that students choosing this option have a keen interest and enthusiasm for art and design. Because of the quantity of work required for the portfolio of work (Unit 1) it is essential that a significant amount of work is produced outside of the classroom.

A-Level Fine Art

Exam Board

Entry Requirements

Subject Leader


Grade 6 at GCSE

Miss A Giesen

This course is designed for those students who wish to extend and develop their studies in Art and Design (Fine Art) to a greater depth than required at GCSE. This is a 2 year A Level course. We follow the FINE ART endorsement from AQA.

In the first two terms of study students will follow a teacher led programme, refreshing skills, composition, drawing, scale and use of media. They will also explore mini-project ideas.

Students are required to complete 2 Units of work. Component 1 is the Personal Investigation – worth 60% of final mark, where they will be expected to produce practical work and a written investigation of 1000 to 3000 words. Their work should be linked in some way to contemporary or past practice of artists. Component 2 is an Externally Set Assignment – worth 40% of final mark, in which students will respond to one of eight starting points. This will culminate in 15 hour of supervised time in which they are expected to fully realise their ideas.

Students are encouraged to visit galleries/exhibitions and to document these trips. They are also expected to take photographs and make use of digital technologies to inform and support their work Each year a number of students progress successfully to courses in Higher Education.

In recent years we have a large number of students who have gone on to study Architecture, Fine Art, Illustration and Animation.

Unit 1: Personal Investigation

This is a practical investigation supported by written material that is worth 60% of marks. Students will investigate the work of contemporary or past practice of artists, photographers, designers or craftspeople. They will produce a series of studies from their chosen artist and then develop their own ideas/work from an aspect of this investigation. The practical work is accompanied by a 1000-3000 word essay with a bibliography.

Unit 2: Externally Set Assignment

An exam board set assignment that is worth 40% of marks. Question papers are available from 1st February. Students choose one starting point to develop. They will produce a body of work to support their final piece/outcome. The final piece is produced in a 15 hour exam.


Both components are examined by the centre and assessed by an external moderator. We expect students to spend some of their study time in the art department in addition to their timetabled classes. Homework is essential. Much of the sketchbook work will be done at home. The 4 Assessment Objectives are equally weighted:

  • AO1: Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.
  • AO2: Explore and select appropriate resources, media,materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops.
  • AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant tointentions, reflecting critically on work and progress.
  • AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realisesintentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements.

Progression into Higher Education/Vocational Destinations

Art Foundation Course, Architecture, Animation, Fine Art, Illustration, Teaching, Design, Photography, Fashion, Film and Video.

Subject Documents Date  
Art Curriculum Map Yr7 2024 2025 21st Jun 2024 Download
Art Curriculum Map Yr 8 2024 2025 21st Jun 2024 Download
Art Curriculum Map Yr 9 2024 2025 21st Jun 2024 Download
Art Curriculum Map Y10 2024 2025 21st Jun 2024 Download
Art Curriculum Map Y11 2024 2025 21st Jun 2024 Download
Art Curriculum Map Yr 12 2024 2025 21st Jun 2024 Download
Art Curriculum Map Y13 2024 2025 21st Jun 2024 Download