Business Studies


Economics and Business are always in the headlines! In recent years, much attention has been directed at issues such as fair trade, business ethics, global climate change and the recent recession and recovery.

The study of how markets work, and knowledge of the national economy, is essential to understanding the world in which we live and work.

Throughout Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5, we develop a greater understanding of financial markets and will be quicker to realise how much the taxman is taking from your salary. Economics equips students with the skills to participate successfully in the increasingly knowledge-based and interdependent global economy of the current century. Business success and failure is continually evolving in a fascinating way and the department is dynamic in making these ideas come alive in the classroom!

GCSE Business

Exam Board

Subject Leader


Mr N Bailey

At Campion, we believe that this is a course for learners who wish to:

  • know and understand business concepts, business terminology, business objectives, the integrated nature of business activity and the impact of business on individuals and wider society;
  • apply knowledge and understanding to contemporary business issues and to different types and sizes of businesses in the local, national and global contexts;
  • develop as enterprising individuals with the ability to think commercially and creatively to demonstrate business acumen, and draw on evidence to make informed business decisions and solve business problems;
  • develop as effective and independent students, and as critical and reflective thinkers with enquiring minds;
  • use an enquiring, critical approach to make informed judgements;
  • investigate and analyse real business opportunities and issues to construct well-argued, well-evidenced, balanced and structured arguments, demonstrating their depth and breadth of understanding of business;
  • develop and apply quantitative skills relevant to business, including using and interpreting data.

Throughout studying GCSE Business Studies, students apply knowledge and understanding to different business contexts. These include businesses ranging from small enterprises to large multinationals and businesses operating in local, national and global contexts. Students develop an understanding of how these contexts impact business behaviour, and themselves apply business concepts to familiar and unfamiliar contexts. The course also helps students apply knowledge and understanding in business decision making, including the inderdependent nature of business activity, influences on business, business operations finance, marketing and human resources, and how these interdependencies underpin decision making. We help students develop their problem-solving and decision-making skills that are relevant to business, investigate, analyse and evaluate business opportunities and make justified decisions using both qualitative and quantitative data. Data skills developed include selection, interpretation, analysis and evaluation, and the application of appropriate quantitative skills.

You will be given the opportunity to study business from the first ideas of setting up a business to the successful operation of a firm. You might have an interest in business and want to start your own business one day. You should have an enquiring mind and be interested in learning about the world around you, how businesses are set up and what it is that makes someone a great entrepreneur. You need to be a good communicator in explaining your ideas and not be afraid of learning new things.  You should be confident in working with numbers to solve business problems. You need to think creatively and be good at making decisions.

Theme 1: Investigating Small Business

Theme 1 concentrates on the key business concepts, issues and skills involved in starting and running a small business. Students must develop an understanding of the interdependent nature of business activity through interactions between business operations, finance, marketing and human resources, as well as the relationship between the business and the environment in which it operates. Students must understand how these interdependencies and relationships underpin business decisions.

Theme 1 comprises five topic areas:

  • Topic 1.1 Enterprise and entrepreneurship – students are introduced to the dynamic nature of business in relation to how and why business ideas come about. They also explore the impact of risk and reward on business activity and the role of entrepreneurship. 
  • Topic 1.2 Spotting a business opportunity – students will explore how new and small businesses identify opportunities through understanding customer needs and conducting market research. They will also focus on understanding the competition. 
  • Topic 1.3 Putting a business idea into practice – this topic focuses on making a business idea happen through identifying aims and objectives and concentrating on the financial aspects. 
  • Topic 1.4 Making the business effective – students will explore a range of factors that impact on the success of the business, including location, the marketing mix and the business plan. 
  • Topic 1.5 Understanding external influences on business – students are introduced to a range of factors, many of which are outside of the immediate control of the business, such as stakeholders, technology, legislation and the economy. Students will explore how businesses respond to these influences.

Theme 2: Building a Business

Theme 2 examines how a business develops beyond the start-up phase. It focuses on the key business concepts, issues and decisions used to grow a business, with emphasis on aspects of marketing, operations, finance and human resources. Theme 2 also considers the impact of the wider world on the decisions a business makes as it grows. In this theme, students will be introduced to national and global business contexts and will develop an understanding of how these contexts impact business behaviour and decisions. 

Theme 2 comprises five topic areas:

  • Topic 2.1 Growing the business – students are introduced to methods of growth and how and why business aims and objectives change as businesses evolve. The impact of globalisation and the ethical and environmental questions facing businesses are explored. 
  • Topic 2.2 Making marketing decisions – students will explore how each element of the marketing mix is managed and used to inform and make business decisions in a competitive marketplace. 
  • Topic 2.3 Making operational decisions – this topic focuses on meeting customer needs through the design, supply, quality and sales decisions a business makes. 
  • Topic 2.4 Making financial decisions – students will explore the tools a business has to support financial decision making, including ratio analysis and the use and limitation of a range of financial information. 
  • Topic 2.5 Making human resource decisions – growing a business means that decisions relating to organisational structure, recruitment, training and motivation need to be made to influence business activity. These aspects are considered in this final topic. 


Students will take two written examinations where a variety of tasks are undertaken. The final exams are a mixture of multiple choice, short answer, extended writing and data response questions. Students must complete all assessment in May/June in any single year. 

Theme 1 (Investigating Small Business) is examined by written examination lasting 1 hour and 45 minutes. The paper consists of questions totalling 90 marks and is worth 50% of the qualification. Paper code 1BS0/01.

Theme 2 (Building a Business) is examined by written examination lasting 1 hour and 45 minutes. The paper consists of questions totalling 90 marks and is worth 50% of the qualification. Paper code 1BS0/02.


A GCSE in Business Studies allows students to understand more about the business world and motivates and challenges students, preparing them to make informed decisions about further study and career pathways.

Students can progress from this qualification to a number of different academic and vocational qualifications at Level 3, including GCEs in Business, History, Geography, Economics and Psychology and BTEC Nationals in Business. The knowledge and skills gained from GCSE Business support students’ entry into employment or other training in specific aspects of business, such as apprenticeships and vocational qualifications which focus on more specialised business areas. GCSE Business provides a strong foundation for employment, with students progressing, with further training, to a wide range of careers training such as banking, sales, product management and general management.

L1/2 BTEC Tech Award in Enterprise

Exam Board

Subject Leader


Mr N Bailey

At Campion we believe that this is a course is for learners who wish to acquire knowledge and skills through vocational contexts by studying the knowledge, behaviours and skills related to researching, planning, pitching and reviewing an enterprise idea as part of their Key Stage 4 learning. The qualification enables learners to develop their technical skills, such as market research skills, planning, promotional and financial skills using realistic work scenarios, and personal skills, (such as monitoring own performance, time management and problem solving) through a practical and skills- based approach to learning and assessment. Learners will acquire knowledge, understanding and skills to underpin their practical activities in assessment, which will complement their GCSEs. The qualification will broaden their experience and understanding of the varied progression options available to them.

The Award gives learners the opportunity to develop sector-specific knowledge and skills in a practical learning environment. The main focus is on the knowledge, understanding and skills required to research, plan, pitch and review an enterprise idea that includes: 

  • development of key skills that prove aptitude in planning an enterprise activity, including market research, planning, carrying out financial transactions, communication and problem solving
  • knowledge that underpins effective use of skills, such as the features and characteristics of enterprises and entrepreneurs, and the internal and external factors that can affect the performance of an enterprise
  • attitudes and ways of working that are considered most important for enterprise, including monitoring and reflecting on performance of an enterprise idea and own use of skills.

This Award complements the learning in other GCSE programmes such as GCSE Business. It requires learners to apply their knowledge in practical ways, through activities that will enable them to develop their ideas, for example researching an idea for a small enterprise.

Course Content and Assessment

The course comprises of three Components. Components 1 and 2 are assessed through external assessments and each is worth 30% of the course, whilst Component 3 is marked externally and is worth 40%. Components 1 and 2 will be sat during specific assessment periods throughout the course, whereas Component 3 is sat in the summer examination period of Year 11. Component 3 provides the main synoptic assessment for the qualification and builds directly on Components 1 and 2, enabling learning to be brought together and applied to realistic contexts.  

Component 1 (Year 10): Exploring Enterprises
In this component, you will have the opportunity to develop knowledge and understanding of the different types of enterprise and their ownership, looking at the characteristics of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurs with reasons for levels of success. You will understand the importance of having a clear focus on the customer and the importance of meeting their needs.

Enterprises can struggle if they do not carry out market research. It is important for you to develop relevant skills in market research and to analyse and be able to interpret your findings to support your understanding of customers and competitors. You will explore why enterprises are successful, looking at the impact of factors both inside and outside the control of the enterprise, and investigate ways in which situational analysis can be used to support decision making. You will discover how success can be monitored in an SME.

Component 2 (Year 10): Planning for and Pitching an Enterprise Activity
If you are going to succeed as an entrepreneur or as an innovator in business, you need to have great ideas and plan how you are going to put them into practice. Any enterprise needs to plan how it will succeed through working out how it can harness physical, financial and human resources – which means the skills that you and others bring. An entrepreneur will also have to pitch their ideas to an audience in order to secure funding. In this component, you will use the research knowledge gained from Component 1 to consider a number of ideas before developing a plan for a realistic micro-enterprise activity. You will have the opportunity to plan how best to set up the chosen enterprise and how to fund it.

You will need to take responsibility for creating and then delivering a pitch for your developed idea to an audience using your knowledge of business, and demonstrating entrepreneurial characteristics, qualities and skills. In the final part of the component you will use feedback to review your plan and pitch for the micro-enterprise activity, reflecting on your plan, your pitch and the skills you demonstrated when pitching.

Component 3 (Year 11): Promotion and Finance for Enterprise 
The performance of an enterprise can be affected by both internal and external factors. To monitor and improve an enterprise’s performance, you need to be aware of the impact of these factors and the strategies you can use to make the most of opportunities and minimise any threats. In this component, you will assess and analyse financial information in an enterprise context to monitor the performance of an enterprise and strategies to improve its performance. You will investigate cash flow forecasts and statements, exploring the effects that positive and negative cash flow can have on an enterprise, and suggesting ways to improve them. You will consider the different elements of the promotional mix in order to be able to identify target markets and put forward strategies that enterprises can use to increase their success in the future.

Skills and Commitment

The course offers opportunities to develop your skills across a wide variety of key business skills, including communication, research and presentation.

Opportunities for Progression

Study of the qualification as part of Key Stage 4 learning will help students to make more informed choices for further learning, either generally or in this sector. The choices that a learner makes post-16 will depend on their overall level of attainment and their performance in the qualification.

Students who generally achieve at Level 2 across their Key Stage 4 learning might consider progression to:

  • A-Levels as preparation for entry into higher education in a range of subjects
  • study of a vocational qualification at Level 3, such as a BTEC National in Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, which prepares them to enter employment or apprenticeships, or to move on to higher education by studying a degree in the business sector. 

Learners who generally achieve at Level 1 across their Key Stage 4 learning might consider progression to: 

  • study at Level 2, post-16 in a range of technical routes designed to lead to work, to progression to employment, apprenticeships or to further study at Level 3. For these learners, the attitudes and communication skills covered in the qualification will help them to achieve
  • study of enterprise post-16 through the study of a Technical Learners who perform well in this qualification compared to their overall performance should strongly consider this progression route as it can lead to employment in the business sector.

A-Level Business

Exam Board

Entry Requirements

Subject Leader


  • If GCSE Business has been taken at GCSE - Grade 6 in GCSE Business 

  • If GCSE Business has not been taken at GCSE - Grade 6 GCSE English and Grade 5 GCSE Maths 

Mr N Bailey

To develop an enthusiasm for studying business and gain holistic understanding of business in a range of contexts.  Students also generate enterprising and creative approaches to business opportunities, problems and issues and are aware of the ethical dilemmas and responsibilities faced by organisations and individuals.  They develop decision making, problem solving, critical analysis and numerical skills in a range of business contexts.

Theme 1: Marketing and People

Meeting customer needs, the market, marketing mix and strategy, managing people and entrepreneurs and leaders.

Theme 2: Managing Business Activities

Raising finance, financial planning, managing finance, resource management and external influences.

Theme 3: Business Decisions and Strategy

Business objectives and strategy, business growth, decision-making techniques, influences on business decisions, assessing competitiveness and managing change.

Theme 4: Global Business

Globalisation, global markets and business, expansion, global marketing and global industries and companies (multinational corporations).


All externally assessed papers include data response questions and an extended open-response question.  Questions for all 3 papers will be drawn from local, national and global contexts. All examinations are 2 hours in length.  

Paper 1: Marketing, people and global businesses (35%). Questions will be drawn from Themes 1 and 4.

Paper 2: Business activities, decisions and strategy (35%). Questions will be drawn from Themes 2 and 3.

Paper 3: Investigating business in a competitive environment (30%). It will assess content across all four themes.

For Paper 3, there will be a pre-released context document issued by the examination board in November of the previous year.  A new context will be given to centres each year and will relate to the examination series for the following summer.

The context will focus on a broad context, such as an industry or market in which businesses operate. Students cannot take any of their research or investigation data carried out as part of the pre-release into the examination.

Progression into Higher Education/Vocational Destinations

There are a vast range of options available for students.  It can be used as a stepping stone to either Higher Education and/or a professional career.  Students have found business studies to complement virtually all A level courses on offer at The Campion School.

A-Level Economics

Exam Board

Entry Requirements

Subject Leader


A grade 6 in Mathematics and English

Mr N Bailey

To develop an interest in, and enthusiasm for, the subject. To appreciate the contribution of economics to the understanding of the wider economic and social environment. To develop an understanding of a range of concepts and an ability to use those concepts in a variety of different contexts. Use an enquiring, critical and thoughtful approach to the study of economics and develop an ability to think as an economist. Understand that economic behaviour can be studied from a range of perspectives.

Develop analytical and quantitative skills, together with qualities and attitudes that will equip them for the challenges, opportunities and responsibilities of adult and working life.

Theme 1: Introduction to Markets and Market Failure

This theme focuses on microeconomic concepts. Students will develop an understanding of: nature of economics, how markets work, market failure and government intervention.

Theme 2: The UK Economy (Performance and Policies)

This theme focuses on macroeconomic concepts. Students will develop an understanding of: measures of economic performance, aggregate demand, aggregate supply, national income, economic growth and macroeconomic objectives and policy.

Theme 3: Business Behaviour and the Labour Market

This theme develops the microeconomic concepts introduced in Theme 1 and focuses on business economics. Students will develop an understanding of: business growth, business objectives, revenues, costs and profits, market structures, labour market and government intervention.

Theme 4: A Global Perspective

This theme develops the macroeconomic concepts introduced in Theme 2 and applies these concepts in a global context. Students will develop an understanding of: international economics, poverty and inequality, emerging and developing economies, the financial sector and role of the state in the macroeconomy.


Three externally assessed written papers. All examinations are 2 hours in length.

Paper 1: Markets and business behaviour will assess microeconomics and questions will be drawn from Themes 1 and 3.

Paper 2: The national and global economy. Paper 2 will assess macroeconomics and questions will be drawn from Themes 2 and 4.

Paper 3: Microeconomics and macroeconomics will assess content across all four themes.

Progression into Higher Education/Vocational Destinations

Economics is a social science and provides a bridge between arts & Science subjects.  Virtually any subject combination could be considered.

Economics is a very popular subject at university.  It is highly regarded by many employers and many students find work in the city of London.  It is also a good subject for progression in public services careers and administration.

L3 BTEC Extended National Diploma in Business

Exam Board

Entry Requirements

Subject Leader



Grade 5 in GCSE English and Mathematics

Mr N Bailey

To provide a vocational business education.


The BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma is regarded as equivalent in level to 3 A levels; as such it can lead to university courses as well as further education. The Diploma provides both a broad foundation of business education and a firm basis for specialism in a selected avenue of business activity. The BTEC National Diploma cannot be combined with A levels.

A BTEC National Diploma is a practical, work-related course within the field of business. Students learn by completing projects and assignments that are based on realistic workplace situations, activities and demands.  This course is 60% internal assignments (coursework) and 40% external assessments (exams) making it a tougher qualification than its earlier versions. It may be attractive to students who are less confident when it comes to exams. It is not suitable for pupils who find it difficult to cope with coursework. The work will predominantly be completed electronically for the internally assessed assignments. Devices will be available in school and the school may provide a laptop for students to work at home.

Thirteen units will be completed over the two year course:

Unit 1 - Exploring Business 

Unit 2 - Developing a Marketing Campaign 

Unit 3 - Personal and Business Finance 

Unit 4 - Managing an Event 

Unit 5 - International Business 

Unit 6 - Principles of Management 

Unit 7 - Business Decision Making (2, 6 & 7) 

Unit 9 - Team Building in Business 

Unit 14 - Investigating Customer Service 

Unit 17 – Digital Marketing 

Unit 19 - Pitching for a New Business 

Unit 22 - Market Research 

Unit 28- Branding and Promotion 


60% of units are internally assessed and graded by teachers. 40% of units are externally assessed under examination conditions. An overall grade for the qualification is awarded to all learners who successfully complete all units. Grades awarded are Pass, Merit or Distinction.

Progression into Higher Education/Vocational Destinations

BTEC National Diplomas are valued by employers and lead to career opportunities in business specialisms such as finance, human resources, management or marketing, as well as other business related careers.

Learners may also progress within employment to professional qualifications such as those offered by the Chartered Institute of Marketing.  Learners may further progress into higher education degree courses or BTEC Higher National Certificate/Diploma courses in Business.  Association of Accounting Technicians and Chartered Institute of Personnel.

Subject Documents Date  
Business Curriculum Map Yr 10 11th Jan 2023 Download
Business Curriculum Map Yr 11 11th Jan 2023 Download
Business Curriculum Map Yr 12 11th Jan 2023 Download
Business Curriculum Map Yr 13 11th Jan 2023 Download
Economics Curriculum Map Yr 12 11th Jan 2023 Download
Economics Curriculum Map Yr 13 11th Jan 2023 Download