Religious Education


As a department, we share the school’s aim to be outstanding. All members of the department aim and work towards bringing Religious Education into the centre of the students’ lives both as an academic skill but also as an essential part of life.

These reflect the school’s mission statement itself: 

  1. To lead young people to faith in Christ and to mature understanding of the Catholic faith;
  2. To develop in its students inquiring minds through the study of a broad range of subjects and through the encouragement of self-discipline and hard work in the pursuit of excellence;
  3. To encourage young people to fully develop themselves intellectually, socially, emotionally, physically and spiritually through academic study and through participation in extracurricular activities.

As RE teachers, we are in a privileged position to share our faith and foster faith in young people. In his message for the Celebration of the World Day of Peace, Pope Benedict XVI says educators must "be ready to give of themselves" in order to "lead young people to move beyond themselves and introducing them to reality, towards a fullness that leads to growth."1 It is our aim and duty to do this in such a way that the students engage, achieve and develop in their belief. This challenge falls to us as teachers in an academic and religious sense, as those who are true witnesses to Christ.  For "real education is not possible without the light of truth"2 and as the Congregation for Catholic Education highlights in its document, Educating Together in Catholic Schools, this light is to be made brighter and the context made real by those in the position of educators rather than just teachers.

The Department shares the Aims of Religious Education as listed in the curriculum Directory: 

  • To present engagingly a comprehensive content which is the basis of knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith; 
  • To enable pupils continually to deepen their religious and theological understanding and be able to communicate this effectively; 
  • To present an authentic vision of the Church’s moral and social teaching so that pupils can make a critique of the underlying trends in contemporary culture and society; 
  • To raise pupils’ awareness of the faith and traditions of other religious communities in order to respect and understand them; 
  • To develop the critical faculties of pupils so that they can relate their Catholic faith to daily life; 
  • To stimulate pupils’ imagination and provoke a desire for personal meaning as revealed in the truth of the Catholic faith; 
  • To enable pupils to relate the knowledge gained through Religious Education to their understanding of other subjects in the curriculum; 
  • To bring clarity to the relationship between faith and life, and between faith and culture. 

The outcome of excellent Religious Education is religiously literate and engaged young people who have the knowledge, understanding and skills – appropriate to their age and capacity – to reflect spiritually, and think ethically and theologically, and who are aware of the demands of religious commitment in everyday life. 

Essentially it is our aim and duty to open up for the pupil the mystery of God’s saving action in Jesus Christ through our witness and in our teaching. To see ourselves, as mentioned above, as educators with a role not to "impart one's own doctrine, or that of some other teacher, but the teaching of Jesus Christ Himself."3 Furthermore, "the communication of truth, therefore, as a professional activity, is thus fundamentally transformed into a unique participation in the prophetic mission of Christ, carried on through one's teaching."4 Through our teaching and in our relationships with those within the school community, we endeavour to bring the light of Christ through communicating truth.   

1 Message of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI for the celebration of World Peace Day 1st January 2012  

2 Benedict XVI, Address to Rome’s Ecclesial Diocesan Convention on the Family and Christian Community (6th June 2005): AAS 97 (2005), 816. 

3 Cardinal William Baum, ‘Lay Catholic in Schools: Witness to Faith’ October 15th 1982, (59) 

4 Cardinal William Baum, ‘Lay Catholics in Schools: Witness to Faith’, October 15th 1982 (15-17)  

Key Stage 3

The KS3 course follows the diocesan directory. In Year 7 we follow the new 2023 directory, which will be fully implemented by 2025. In Year 8 and 9 we are currently studying the previous directory.

We have customised the material to fit the needs of the pupils at Campion and the calendar that we follow. Where possible we have also tried to fit in with the programmes of study that are undertaken in other subjects so as to promote cross curricular learning. Throughout the Key Stage we meet the specific areas of study as highlighted per age group in the directory. In 2016, the Curriculum maps were reviewed and in places rewritten to reflect the disciplines being introduced in the new GCSE.

In all topics there is a scriptural focus as well as an attempt to modernise and realise the material being covered through a basis in scripture and revelation, how this is seen the Church today and how we can identify events in the Life of Christ with our elements of worship and celebration. Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 must bring a bible to all RE lessons in order to develop their bible skills but more importantly their knowledge and understanding of the word of God.

Some elements of the Directory’s prescribed areas of Study for 14-19 are met in Key Stage 3 whilst others are met in Key Stages 4 and 5.

Students in Year 8 visit the Borehamwood Synagogue as part of their unit on Judaism.

GCSE Religious Education

Exam Board Subject Leader
AQA Mr G Corrigan

All students within The Campion School undertake a GCSE in Religious Education. The course focuses on the Catholic faith, and features philosophical and ethical themes surrounding Catholicism. It ensures that our students explore a variety of contemporary themes throughout their study. Students of all abilities learn how Catholicism plays a fundamental role in society, and develop valuable, transferable skills for further study. We also study Judaism, helping students nurture their values and attitudes towards other faiths.

The course is split into two components, each of which is comprised of multiple topics and examined separately. All Units of the GCSE involve four specific specialisms; forms of expressions, beliefs and teachings, sources of authority and practices.


Component 1: Catholic Christianity

Catholic beliefs, teachings, practices, sources of authority and forms of expression in relation to six topics: 

  • Creation 
  • Incarnation 
  • the Triune God 
  • Redemption  
  • Church 
  • Eschatology


Component 2: Perspectives on Faith 

Judaism: Beliefs and Practices.  

  • Theme A: Religion, relationships and families 
  • Theme B: Religion, peace and conflict



Components 1 and 2 are assessed separately through written exams at the end of Year 11. Each exam is worth 50% of the GCSE and lasts for 1 hour and 45 minutes.



The following textbooks are recommended for the course:

  • Recommended textbook: AQA Religious Studies B Catholic Christianity with Islam and Judaism. (Oxford University Press) ISBN 978-0-19-837038-3 
  • Recommended revision guide: AQA Religious Studies B Catholic Christianity with Islam and Judaism. (Oxford University Press) ISBN 978-0-19-842287-7

A Level Religious Studies

Exam Board Entry Requirements Subject Leader
Edexcel GCSE grade 6 or above in RE Mr G Corrigan

To provide knowledge and critical understanding of ethical concepts and problems where they can be applied; a critical understanding of scriptural exegesis, interpretation and academic application.

To instil academic rigour and enthusiasm for higher level learning.


Paper 1: Philosophy of Religion

A study of philosophical issues including religious experience and the nature of evil and suffering, religious language and the development of thought from selected philosophers


Paper 2: Religion and Ethics

Significant concepts in ethical issues and common debates such as medical ethics and war. Ethical theory such as Utilitarianism and Situation Ethics. Comparative study of ethical scholars


Paper 3: New Testament Studies

Context and interpretation of Luke and John’s Gospel and Matthews birth narrative. Texts and interpretation of the person of Jesus, purpose and authorship of the Gospel and historical challenges to faith posed by history and science.



Three 2 hour exams at the end of Year 13.


Progression into Higher Education/Vocational Destinations

The nature of this study relates well to all subject areas.  It fosters the ability to analyse, investigate and debate real areas of ethical and scriptural conflict. Students are then able to display critical thinking and objective thought in detailed essays.  All of these skills are necessary in undertaking degree courses and that is why it is so highly valued in top universities.

Subject Documents Date  
RE GCSE Curriculum Map 07th Feb 2023 Download